04 February 2010

February is the New New Year

What? Huh? What January?

Okay so I've been MIA for the past couple of weeks. Lots of changes to manage and keep up with. It's been a pretty exciting past few months and I'm honestly trying to set aside time to write about it -- but you know, I get caught up living it and everytime the sentences begin to form in my head my restlessness kicks in. Fail/Win.

In any case, because I've yet to find the words to properly write about what's been happening, allow me the webspace to react:

Dear Zara Man,

I hate you.

Zara Man SS2010 Campaign featuring Sean O'Pry. More at The Fashionisto

I love how muted and subdued the colors are. I've this weird attraction to desaturated stuff of late; not necessarily gray but with a hint of brown or blue or whatever. It's just too perfect for the too-early summer heat we've been experiencing. Gah. And those boots!

Plus, I will forever wish I had Sean O'Pry's features, even if he has just one expression and his lips look funny and pouty all the time.

We're at the gaping mouth of the weekend, and I hope it has enough teeth to keep me in my seat and finally write about the restlessness of the past few months. Excited!

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