30 December 2009

I'm a fighter, fighter God, I'm a soldier on that road!

I'm a fighter, fighter God, I'm a soldier on that road!
I'm a fighter, a nice nice fighter, I'm a soldier on that road!

Words of the wise, wise M.I.A.

In roughly 24 hours 2009 will be a memory -- one that we will all look back at and say holy shit I survived that. 

I've lost a few limbs treading the minefield that is 2009. But unlike war veterans, I won't get any medal of honor, no badge to validate any so-called courage I managed to squeeze out of me, to symbolically replace the legs, arms and fragments of spirit I have lost in the last 12 months. Instead, I think 2009 has shaped me into somebody different -- and different is an accolade in itself. 

The next year will be a perfect 10. For my family, for Tito Dougs; and for my dreams. 

2010 will be epic.


Vittorio said...

Thank you for writing this. I'm trying to find words to describe how 2009 was like for me. This perfectly sums up everything.

Fuck, now I'm kinda crying.

mikhail quijano said...

Oh vip! :( 2009 was really such a huge turning point in most of our lives. I really still honestly don't have the words to describe it to its essence. In any case, 2010 is so going to be fantastic! Heaven is fair :)

Take care and I'll see you guys next Saturday! :D