21 February 2010

Midnight Disturbances

I fell asleep at 10 and woke up at 12:30, after a funny dream was impolite and roused me from slumber.

I cannot remember what it was.


Love me like that moment
of perfect waking;
not trembling
out of dreams
but gliding slowly into
As the morning breeze
holds dew in her bosom,

Inhale me as you would
her cold calm air,
a quiet kind of hunger
stirring in your sinews.

Adore me as the golden sun
adores your skin, your eyes,
sparkling and alive
for another day,

yet for another day.


'Til tomorrow! Monday.


Unknown said...

"Adore me as the golden sun
adores your skin, your eyes,
sparkling and alive"

That, I'm definite, is easy. :)

mikhail quijano said...

@Manech thank you! Heee. Made my day :P